Monday, May 21, 2012

Caroline Manzo Reprimands Gia Giudice on the 'Real Housewives of New Jersey

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Caroline Manzo had to reprimand Gia Giudice for throwing a tantrum of diva-like proportions at Jacqueline's field day event on the Real Housewives of New Jersey. Little Gia was on the losing field day team and simply could not handle it.

Teresa's spoiled daughter lashed out at Caroline and Jacqueline when they attempted to console her. She was crying and flailing and Caroline tried to tell her that her mom and uncle -- Joe Gorga -- were actually having fun together and getting along. Gia just became more hostile and disrespectful.

"I don't care whose child you are or how upset you are; you do not look an adult in the face and tell them to be quiet, mind their business and get out of the room," remarked Caroline Manzo.

Of course, Teresa jumped to her daughter's defense and chastised Caroline and Jacqueline for attempting to instill some respect and class in Gia. Teresa pretty much told Gia that she did nothing wrong by acting like a 2-year-old who lost their favorite binky.

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